Heading West, again.

Took a nice chunk out of our multi-day commute to the desert and ended up at a nice campground in a rural area of Texas.  It's so nice to be out of San Antonio, and headed to a familiar place that we both like, with plenty in the area to explore.  The next work contract was supposed to start next week, but it was pushed back to early November.  So, by the time I start working again, I will have only worked nine months this year.  The first year of travel nursing was the internship, to focus in on what exactly we wanted to do, and how we are going to do it.  I feel like this next assignment is the first step after our internship, with our goals now focused on staying close to home (in the west), and only go to places we actually like and somewhat know.  Hopefully we can still get work assignments in Minnesota every fall, or perhaps work per-diem there in the fall, when the weather is the best.

Ironic that the town of Welfare looked pretty nice.  Rolling hill, open space, ranches.

Backed over a drill bit and had a hissing tire 150 miles into the commute today.  These guys fixed it in 10 minutes in a podunk town.  Thanks guys.

Alex is making friends quick now, and is much more outgoing.  Three minutes after arriving at camp, he's found someone to pay with.

Nice, but very cold pool on a 93 degree day.

The Texas we were hoping for when we came here.

What we thought Texas would be, but not what we found.


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